Dear Tristan,
What a month this has been! This had by far been my favorite month with you so far. Where to begin?
We had a wonderful first Christmas with you. You quickly learned how to tear through the wrapping paper on your mountains of presents, although I think you were more interested in the wrapping than the present itself. I still can't believe how spoiled you got, we'll have to temper that next year I think. There are certainly a lot of people that love you very much!
You enjoyed Daddy's Christmas holidays and got to spend some quality time together, just the two of you. Consequently though your schedule was all out of whack and it's only just now that I've somewhat managed to get you back on track. I think you just like any excuse to be up and with the action for the night.
You had a blast at your first New Year's. You got to visit with all of your "aunts" and "uncles" and got treated to lots of play time and attention. You didn't seem so keen on Daddy's noisemakers though (I don't blame you) and you bawled every time one of them was fired off. You even stayed up until midnight and got to be Mommy's first kiss of 2007.
Developmentally, this has been a truly amazing month. In one day you totally mastered crawling and pulling yourself up to sitting, and man, were you proud of yourself! Now you've gotten really quick with the crawling though and have already decided that crawling is not enough, you need to be able to climb up things and are very keen on being able to stand up and walk (lord help us!) Magazines are not safe on the coffee table, shoes are not safe at the front door... I'm just waiting for you to discover the cat food!
Now that you're pulling yourself up on everything we've had to lower your crib to keep you better contained. For some reason that just seems like such a big step, a constant reminder of how much you've grown. You don't seem so much like my little baby anymore, now you're my little man. I keep thinking that one day I am going to have to face the reality that you are going to be a teenager someday. For now, I prefer to forget that and just enjoy your cuddles and your baby smiles and belly laughs.
You've even started to be able to feed yourself (messy as it is), which just shows me how grown up you are. You haven't given up the boob yet though, and for that I'm happy. I think I'll miss the excuse to do nothing but cuddle you 8 times a day.
We tried to start you in swimming lessons this month but the water at the pool was just too cold for you! Daddy said you did enjoy the hot tub though, so apparently you just appreciate being pampered. We'll have to find you a warmer pool and try again because it is just too cute to see you wiggle your little legs and try to blow bubbles in the water.
I am still blown away every day by how much I love you. You truly are an amazing little boy, and everyone that knows you says the same. You're always so happy, so easy to please, you have a smile for everyone and usually a giggle as well. How did we get so lucky? Apparently we must have done something right to deserve such a wonderful little boy. You are my sweetheart.