Forever fighting...
I find some days that I am just so frustrated with people and their lack of common sense in respect to environmental issues. What will it take people to understand that their actions are affecting our planet now and for future generations??? WHY DON'T THEY GET IT?
I am far from perfect, I don't claim to be, but dammit, I try. In looking at new vehicles the FIRST thing I look at is fuel efficiency, of course that is tempered with safety but it is about BALANCE. We recycle, we turn off lights, we use fluorescent bulbs. I just get so annoyed when I feel like there are some people that quite honestly could not give a shit about it.
I just wish that I knew how to get through to people because I so desperately want to. A lot of people just seem to have this sense of entitlement that they are the exception to the rule, they NEED their big SUV, they NEED their 2500 sq ft house, you know what? YOU DON'T! A part of me wants to pack up and go to Europe, perhaps we'd fit in better there.
I have to admit that I've caught a bit of the environmental awareness bug from you...
I am recycling more and those types of basic things.
Haven't converted to natural cleaning products yet though... perhaps soon though... I just haven't put in the effort to figure out what to use for what...
As you remember from my blog, I showed the world how much paper we recycle in just one week. Now that we have curbside recycling, it's amazing how many other things we can recycle (like plastics). Our bin fills up quickly. Now that I know how easy it is, it frustrates me to see how much garbage people throw away.
That, and watching people let the water run while brusing their teeth drives me bananas!
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