Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go!

That's right, I've decided I'm going back! Not to my old job, I would rather swallow rat poison than do that. So right now I am in the throws of trying to find childcare for my perfectly adorable little man so that I can really start my job search. I was asking around but how I would go about getting into financial planning, as that is something that has always interested me but just didn't know what kind of education it required and how to break into the industry. I now have coffee planned next week with a lady who works in investments at RBC, and it sounds like a very promising lead! It's exciting to think that I may actually be able to start a career at this point in my life. I know that it's kind of a trap, but it feels like once you have a child as a mother you have to put the rest of your life on hold. I feel so fortunate that it doesn't have to be the case. Plus, by me extending myself out and building up my career, it gives Nick more freedom to be able to explore his career options. Happy me + happy Nick = Happy marriage. Fantastic! Not to mention Happy marriage = happy household = happy baby. So great!

And did I mention that with me returning to work we can afford such luxuries as two vehicles, vacations, RESP & RRSP contributions, a savings account, and possibly a cleaning lady (Nick and I haven't discussed it yet, but whatever, I say it will happen, so it will). I'm very happy in my decision.

Now, to convince Nick that two incomes do not mean that we need a pool in the backyard....


At 6:51 a.m., Blogger the Sonic Priestess said...

I think you most definitely need, require even, a pool in your backyard. :)

At 8:15 a.m., Blogger Sam said...

Don't encourage him! Hot tub yes, pool, um, no.


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