I've done it!
I have completely eliminated disposable diapers from our household and I refuse to buy them ever again. It's interesting that as soon as you stop making excuses for why you CAN'T do something, you find that you actually can, you just make it work. I always used cloth at home, but had disposables just in case I didn't feel like doing laundry, or for when we went out because they were more "convenient." Truth is, how hard is it to do laundry? And is it really more convenient to throw something out rather than put it in a bag to bring home? Not really.
And I think that I have changed my outlook. In the past when people have defended why they use disposables, I have nodded politely and respect their opinions, after all, we're just doing the best we can, right? Well, now I disagree with myself. You know what is the best you can do? USE CLOTH DIAPERS. It's not hard, it's not gross. It's easier to wash a load of diapers then to pack up your baby and go to a store to buy disposables, and it's gross to think of how many chemicals you're putting next to your babies skin to absorb moisture, GROSS!
So, what'll it be? Are you going to do what you think is convenient for you now, or are you going to do what is going to help save the planet for your children later? Seems an easy call to me.
Congratulations Sam! I guess you know on which side of the great diaper debate I fall onto. Cloth diapers today compared to 20 years ago are a breeze! I remember my babysitting days when using cloth meant pins and stabbing yourself. Now with velcro and snaps and flushable inserts I can't see how anyone says that disposable are easier.
Of course, all I have to deal with in my house is a cat box - so what do I know?
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