Decisions, decisions...
Funny how your mind drifts when you're up at midnight with severe insomnia...
Nick and I have decided to try to have another baby. Trust me, this was not an easy decision to come to, there have been so many questions running through my head lately: do I really want another baby? can we handle another baby? do I want to be pregnant again? I kept telling myself that I was happy with just Tristan, that our family felt complete, and it does. I mean, if we didn't have another child I certainly wouldn't be going through my life saying my family was incomplete because of it. I feel like there is something (someone) else waiting for us.
You would think that since I am already a mother that deciding to have a second wouldn't be that big of a deal. In some ways though, it's bigger than it was the first time around. This time it's planned, executed. With Tristan, he was a surprise, completely. No one expects to get pregnant while on the pill! As much as I tried to convince myself that I wasn't ready to have a baby, how could I deny that this child obviously wanted to be born - why else would we have conceived? It seemed like there was somehow less pressure that way. If I didn't feel connected to the baby it was because I was still adjusting to the idea of being pregnant... if I couldn't picture myself being a mom it was because I never thought I wanted to be. So many excuses...
Now this time around, no excuses. I want this. So what if I don't do a good job? What if I physically can't handle it? What if I don't bond with this baby? What if I love Tristan more? Then what? It's my fault. No one else to blame.
But you know what? It'll be fine, it'll be great in fact. Nick is a wonderful father, and I hope that I'm a wonderful mom and will be again.
It's taken me a long time to really get to know my sister and appreciate her for who she is, but now I finally do. I hope that I can give that to Tristan and he can have the joy (and annoyance) of having a brother or sister.
And of course, babymaking is kind of fun too :)
I guess the vasectomy is off?
You guys are great parents!!! And it will be so much fun to see Tristan and the babe interact and get to know one another.
Vasectomy is still on, she has until then to get herself knocked up!
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