Thursday, December 21, 2006

The "Because I haven't updated in awhile, and Kim is complaining she's bored" post

So, oh my god, it's Christmas in a matter of DAYS! I don't feel ready for it! I should feel ready though - the groceries are bought, the gifts are done and wrapped, the only thing left to do is put the finishing touches on the housecleaning. So why don't I feel prepared? Every year I set such unrealistic expectations of myself for Christmas that are never achievable - I will bake 12 different kinds of cookies, make stuffing from scratch, hand make all of my gifts. My reality is more like - my mother in law paid someone to do the baking, Nick refuses to eat anything other than stove top, and most of the gifts came from Winners. But you know what? It'll be great! I did achieve one of my goals, an Organic Free Range Turkey for dinner, dooce would be horrified!

In other totally unrelated and possibly irrelevant news, Nick and I finally watched "The Secret" the other night, and everybody should see it! It'll change your life. A positive outlook can make a world of difference.

And so, with that, I am retreating to go cross stitch my boy's Christmas stocking which will hopefully be done by the time he leaves home for college.


At 8:27 a.m., Blogger Kimberley said...

Thanks Sam! Although truth be told, I'm actually very busy today and shouldn't be checking your blog.

If you're wondering maybe why it doesn't feel like Xmas it's because you've already opened all of your gifts! Next year, we're not giving you your gift until Xmas morning. Or maybe we'll make you wait until Boxing Day.

Tell Nick that Stove Top is ghetto!

At 10:39 a.m., Blogger Nick said...

It may be ghetto but it's GOOD! On a side note regarding "the secret". I've found it amazing that so many people scowl at the idea of being positive. It just goes to show how easy it is to be a pessimist in a world that embraces negative thinkers. I hope for this Christmas everyone tries to find the solution's in their life then dwell on the problems.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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