Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I just love that word "funk". It was my junior high English teacher Mr. Worthington that coined the phrase for me. He always used to say that my BF Naomi and I were "in a funk" because we had to walk everywhere as slow as possibly.... really it was just so we could delay getting to class for as long as possible, 'cause like, only total losers got there early.

So anyway, yes, I'm in a funk. Tristan is teething and is being a little fuss pot, which really just wrecks my day in general. And because he is cranky and doesn't want me to leave his line of sight the laundry is behind... and once the laundry is behind the rest of the house just kind of falls apart from there. And since I quite possibly suffer from OCD, the house being messy drives me batty and making me very, very stressed.

And so, that brings me to today. I hope I make some headway today. I showered with some yummy gingerbread spice shower gel and lotion (seemed like a good idea, now I just smell like a cookie), got myself dressed, and I am ready to face the day. And darn it, I will get stuff done! Even if it means Tristan screams half the day - I will make it out of this funk!


At 5:14 p.m., Blogger Kimberley said...

So how did you fare today? Did you escape your funk - or at least get a load of laundry done?

At 9:17 a.m., Blogger Sam said...

I did get a load of laundry and some cleaning done... it's amazing how much better that makes me feel!

And we took Tristan to see Santa and he was so excited that once we got home he just passed right out :)


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