Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tristan, Month 5 Newsletter

Dear Tristan,
Yesterday you turned 5 months old! I have a feeling that this is going to be the best month ever, mostly because I think this is going to be the last month that you aren't able to be mobile on your own. You are just itching to crawl and get going!

So many exciting things have happened this month! You have started at Gymboree and absolutely love the songs and being able to play on the tummy mirror. Much to my chagrin you also love Gymbo the clown. I have a deep seeded childhood fear of clowns, but I love you so much I have given in and bought you your very own Gymbo doll for Christmas. See the sacrifices I make for you?

You have become a rolly polley baby this month! You had already mastered the art of rolling from your tummy to your back, but now you have gotten really good at doing a full 360. Now comes the hard part - we have to watch you at all times so that you don't roll away on us. So I guess it's not entirely true that you're not mobile yet... at least we're not quite at the crawling stage though.

You also experienced your first snowfall. After that I think we both decided to hibernate. Much better to cuddle by the fire than play out in the cold.

This month you also got your first tooth! Yay! You have a bit of a Jack O Lantern grin with just the one bottom tooth, it's very sweet. If I say to you, "Where's your tooth?" You smile and point to it with your tongue, you're very proud.

Speaking of Jack O Lantern's, this month we celebrated your first Halloween. You dressed up as a kitty cat and charmed everyone that saw you. No trick or treating yet though, that's against our rules. Which for the record are:
1) Must be able to walk
2) Must be able to hold own candy bag
3) Must have teeth to chew candy
4) Must be able to say Trick or Treat AND Thank-you
But once you are old enough I will show you the ins and outs of cashing in on the best candy.

You have also learned to pet the kitties. For the most part you are gentle, but every once in awhile Chloe's long fur is too tempting and you give it a bit of a pull. They love their little brother though and accept your affection graciously. We also added a new kitty for you to love, Charlie. I think he's your favorite because you giggle every time he comes by when you're playing.

You are so much fun now! I love every moment that I spend with you, even though lately we seem to be spending more time together at 11pm at night. I can't believe you're already 5 months old!!!

Love Momma


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