Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006 Year in Review

What an exciting and life altering year it has been! This was the single most stressful and joyful year of my life, here are the highlights...


Made stupid New Year's resolutions I had absolutely no intention of keeping:
- cut out caffeine (sans chocolate, I'm not giving up chocolate)
hahahahaha, this lasted until a week after Tristan was born, and then, um, not so much
- grow my hair out
This was the only resolution I actual kept, and it was an odd one at best
- stop procrastinating so much
I think the universe just heard the "procrastinating" part, because this is worse than ever
- work out at least 3 times per week
I don't think I exercised 3 times THIS YEAR, let alone in a week

We found out that our baby jellybean was going to be A BOY *gasp* I was secretly terrified.

And on the last day of the month we took possession of our house! I don't think Nick and I could have waited another day to get away from my parents.


We kicked off the month by dog-sitting for two American Eskimo Dogs (Sam & Indy) for a whopping 10 days. Have now decided I hate dogs and will never own one of these disgusting creatures. At least cats have the decency to shit in a box and not make you pick it up while other people can see you.

The rest of the month was a blur of getting the house set up and preparing for the wedding.


Holy shit we got married!

My poor Timmy died of acute renal failure. Truly one of the worst experiences I have had to just watch the life slowly slip out of her. I still miss her...

And since I have no self control we adopted Rowan two days later. Why on earth did we get a siamese?


We bought our lot in High River! And I learned my lesson not to casually mention anything to my husband, because a comment like "Maybe we should look at High River?" means you will have bought a house there within 24 hours.

I finished work mid-month and could not have been happier! My co-workers threw me a wonderful baby shower before I left, and we celebrated with brunch at the Palliser that weekend.


Back to work! My parents went to Nashville for a conference so I held down the fort at their office. I learned that an Accounting Software company truly is as boring as you would expect.

Nick adopted Chloe from his friend Jordan. She promptly peed on our bed that night, proving to us that yes, we are stupid for having pets. Rowan was smitten though, and they were so cute cuddling together.

Some of my friends hosted a Blessingway for me to prepare me for my impending labour... I don't know if it "prepared" me, or scared the living crap out of me.


I spent the first half of the month bitching about being pregnant...

And then our baby boy arrived! All 8 lbs 14 oz and 22 inches of him. Looking back at pictures of him I can't believe he ever looked that small. I loved labour, I know people hate me for saying that, but I did. What an incredibly experience.

I spent the last half of the month bitching about sleep deprivation.


I turned 24 and left Tristan with a sitter (my mom) for the first time. Most stressful 3 hours of my life.

Tristan decided to rebel against co-sleeping and decided her preferred his crib. Good for baby and daddy, not good for lazy mommy that doesn't want to get up to nurse.

My sister took me to see "Phantom of the Opera" for the second time. I could see it every month and not get bored!

Rowan went MIA and was presumably eaten by the friendly neighborhood coyotes.


Went to Sicamous on our first family vacation (Thanks again, Eldon!) Tristan was a dream the whole trip and we discovered just how much we really needed a break.

We welcomed Milo to our family! (In case you're counting we're now on cat #4 of 2006)


I hit my mommy stride and really started to enjoy this whole crazy experience. (this is my way of saying I did shit all)


I left the pagan group I had been a member of for the past five years to form a new one. As this path develops I can say that it is really a part of my life's work. It's incredibly, really.

I swallowed my pride and reconnected with an old friend and have been thankful everyday since then. She is such an inspiration and a gift!

Tristan celebrated his first Halloween dressed as a very fierce (and cute) leopard. We carved lots of pumpkins and fun was had by all.


Tristan got his first tooth!

In an act of complete stupidity, I adopted a third cat (that makes cat #5 of 2006). Charlie is roughly the size of 2 cats, so it was doubly stupid.


Tristan had his first trip to the hospital and reminded me of why I HATE hospitals.

Nick's brother came to visit and we celebrated our first Christmas of the year. I remembered why I love the fact that he lives in Victoria. We'll go visit them when we've forgotten why they annoy us.

Celebrated Yule with the Sunlit Hearth and had our second turkey dinner of the month. Oddly enough with all of this eating I got down to my pre-pregnancy size. Woohoo!

Tristan had his first Christmas and was completely spoiled rotten. It was our first Christmas as a family and it was wonderful. I can't wait for next year when Tristan really knows what's going on!


And that, folks, was my year! And what a year it was!

I have a firm belief that New Year's Eve should be spent how you want to spend the rest of your year, so our night is going to be spent with good friends, good food, and lots of wine!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


At 9:52 a.m., Blogger Kimberley said...

We're looking forward to a great night with good friends and presumably good food too!

At 11:06 a.m., Blogger Nick said...

Presumably good food?!

At 3:59 p.m., Blogger Kimberley said...

Yes, as in "since I know that Sam is cooking, I PRESUME that the food will be good." What else could it be?

At 1:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been a whirlwind of a year to say the least! So much has happened that 2006 seems to stretch for years and years into the past...rather than a few months.

Happy New Year!!! :)


At 3:03 p.m., Blogger Sam said...

I miss you, Sean! We have to get together to celebrate your new nurse status!


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