Friday, February 23, 2007

How did they find me?

I just had an e-newsletter from the Green Party in my inbox. I know it may surprise some people, but even being environmentally minded I don't support Green, I'm a Liberal through and through *ducks the flying objects from all the redneck Albertans out there*

Okay, I admit, I voted Green once in the provincial election because well, Ralph Klein sucks and Kevin Taft needs his head examined and I couldn't NOT vote. Now if the Canadian Green Party had Ralph Nader, that may be a different story.

For now... go Dion!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Ahhhh, that's better!

Went out for some retail therapy with Jeff this afternoon. I think I needed it! When I spotted myself in a mirror and saw how awful I looked, I realized I needed a pick me up. A few pairs of jeans, some new tees, and a pretty red satin shirt later, I feel much better! And to appease Nicky I bought him a man purse and some lounge pants, he was very excited.

Honestly, I realized today I had reached a new low for me. It wasn't even like I was wearing cute sweats or something - I was wearing a baggy, shapeless fleece jacket, and I seriously wore white sneakers with black pants IN PUBLIC. For shame!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tristan, Month 8 Newsletter

Dear Tristan,
Yesterday you turned 8 months old on Valentine's Day. You first Valentine's Day, how exciting! You'll have many more years to dread that day as you get older, I'm sure. But this year you got to be my baby valentine and mommy bought you a Winnie the Pooh balloon and daddy gave you lots of hugs and kisses.

This has been a busy, busy month because you have turned into quite the busy, busy boy! You never sit still anymore, as soon as you are on the ground you are motoring. You've gone from crawling to cruising and will pull yourself up on anything and everything (including the cats). I've had to gate off the stairs because you've already taught yourself how to climb up them and I can't turn my back for one second. I said last month I was just waiting for you to discover the cat food... well, you have. You were playing on the floor in the kitchen and I looked down to find you drinking out of the cats water dish - cute - but perhaps not so healthy.

You're eating on your own now, too. If you can fit it in your fist, then you want to put it in your mouth. Cheerios are a huge hit, in fact they are the only thing that will keep you occupied at a restaurant now. Since you can now move you're incredibly resentful of anytime that you're tied down (ie: car seat, high chairs).

You were teething last week and the only time that you would calm down to sleep is if you were in bed with mommy and daddy. I have to admit that although it was frustrating to have you so fussy, it was so nice to have that little piece of the newborn Tristan back. I didn't realize how much I missed your nighttime snuggles and hearing you snore peacefully on my chest. You're so independent most of the time now that I forget how great cuddles can be.

Not only are you motoring, but you are also incredibly chatty! You've figured out how to say dada and mama (even if you don't really know what they mean). In the morning if I don't come to save you from your prison (crib) fast enough I'm treated to a chorus of "mamamamamamamama" over and over at the top of your lungs. The cats elicit squeals of delight and you do some pretty cool beat boxing noises, too. I'm enjoying this time before you can really form words and make sense. Truly enjoying the fact that you can yet ask "Why?" because I know that will drive me batty.

You seem to be at this weird transition period right now - not an infant anymore, yet not really a toddler yet either. It's the best of both worlds I think. I am having so much fun exploring the world with you and helping you to learn. Thank-you for another wonderful month, you really have changed our lives for the better.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go!

That's right, I've decided I'm going back! Not to my old job, I would rather swallow rat poison than do that. So right now I am in the throws of trying to find childcare for my perfectly adorable little man so that I can really start my job search. I was asking around but how I would go about getting into financial planning, as that is something that has always interested me but just didn't know what kind of education it required and how to break into the industry. I now have coffee planned next week with a lady who works in investments at RBC, and it sounds like a very promising lead! It's exciting to think that I may actually be able to start a career at this point in my life. I know that it's kind of a trap, but it feels like once you have a child as a mother you have to put the rest of your life on hold. I feel so fortunate that it doesn't have to be the case. Plus, by me extending myself out and building up my career, it gives Nick more freedom to be able to explore his career options. Happy me + happy Nick = Happy marriage. Fantastic! Not to mention Happy marriage = happy household = happy baby. So great!

And did I mention that with me returning to work we can afford such luxuries as two vehicles, vacations, RESP & RRSP contributions, a savings account, and possibly a cleaning lady (Nick and I haven't discussed it yet, but whatever, I say it will happen, so it will). I'm very happy in my decision.

Now, to convince Nick that two incomes do not mean that we need a pool in the backyard....

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Must stop...

...eating cookies...

I made chocolate chip cookies the other day and they are soooooo good that I have pretty much not eaten anything but cookies for the past 2 days. Unless you count the nibs, reese's pieces, and milk duds at the movies last night, or the McDonald's for lunch. I am just the picture of health. How do I not weigh 500 lbs?

Somedays he just gets me

An actual conversation in the car yesterday...

Me: So I was thinking that with the next baby maybe I would just do a hospital birth.
Nick: Why on earth would you want to do that?!?!
Me: Well, I feel like I've had the home birth experience, and it's just so expensive to have midwives, and do I really need to have a midwife?
Nick: Cost is not an issue, it's worth every penny.
Me: It is a lot of money though...
Nick: Even if you have a natural birth and it's intervention free they're still going to take the baby away from you before you nurse and cut the umbilical cord before you want them to.
Me: Very true... (and I'm suddenly picturing my baby in one of those plastic buckets they put them in and feeling sick)
Nick: We're having midwives.

I'm glad that he gets it. I'm really, really glad. I'm glad that he doesn't make me feel guilty about spending money on it, that he doesn't think it's indulgent. Another point to add here as well, with a home birth the father has much more of an opportunity to be involved. My midwife pretty much backed off and let me and Nick labour together. Afterall, it was OUR baby, I might have been the one pushing him out but we were both labouring.

I can't wait to have another baby!