Sunday, October 15, 2006


I do not begrudge Nick his nights out, I really don't, but last night I really could have used some help.

Nick went out to his friends place with the intention of getting really drunk and staying over. I was actually kind of looking forward to it. I thought Tristan would go to bed and I would stay up drinking root beer, watching "Project Runway" and cross stiching, all the makings of a perfect evening. Yeah, that sooooooo did not happen.

Tristan fell asleep at 8:15 while I was nursing him, so I put him in his crib and called my mother to brag at how great my baby was. After that it all went to hell in a handbasket. Tristan woke up screaming 5 minutes later, so I brought him downstairs to cuddle on the couch... apparently Heidi Klum just doesn't do it for him because he then proceeded to scream at the tv. We then had 4 MORE HOURS of screaming, yes people, 4. The cats were sitting there staring at him with horrified expressions as if to say "How do we turn this thing off, Mom?" We finally both fell asleep while I was nursing him in bed at about 1:00am. It was hell...

But, now it's 9:40am and the kid's still sleeping, so I'm making up for lost time - drinking root beer, watching Antique's Roadshow, and cross stitching. Woohoo, I am a party animal!


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