Thursday, September 21, 2006

I have a problem...

I used to think that I was a a shopaholic... but I have now realized that it's not just shopping I'm addicted to, it's spending money in general. I hold on to this shallow view that the next pair of jeans, that next cookbook, the next whatever is going to complete what I have and change my life. After that purchase I'll be done, I swear! (yeah right) The truth is, it's never enough. I stumbled across this blog called Enough is Enough, and she has truly inspired me! This woman has set herself the goal of not buying anything for six motnhs (there are exceptions, of course). And I am going to attempt to do it!

Here are my rules:


Food & drinks
Toiletries (only NECESSARY items, use up items before replacing)
Cleaning supplies
Christmas gifts (Nick & I made a list)
Exceptions: USED clothing items can be bought with the proceeds from consigned items

Books/ DVD’s/Magazines
Furniture & decorative items
Kitchen gadgets, dishes, & linens

Now, here's the difference with me - I'm not just going to attempt to this for 6 months, I am going to try to do this until Nick and I move into our new house. We have all these grand dreams of landscaping our new yard, and being able to decorate it so that it is just right, but that takes money. So do I want yet more books that will sit on my shelf and not get read...or do I want a Mountain Ash for my backyard? It's all about priorities.
And here it is.... this is what our goal is:

I also want to kick myself of this consumerism habit. I don't want to raise Tristan in a world where he feels like he needs stuff to make him more complete. I don't want him to be defined about what toys he has, what clothes he wears.

....and now my confession. In writing this post I went to upload our house picture to Flickr and found that I had reached my upload limit for the month and I almost paid the $24.95 for a pro account *smacks self* Bad Sam! BAD!


At 1:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like that idea! I wonder if we should take that same challenge. Stop filling up our appartment with crap before we move.

Not to mention my lack of money!

At 2:43 p.m., Blogger Sam said...

I really, really hope that I can do it! The added bonus is that if I'm not out shopping I have more time to spend at home organizing the crap that I already have.

At 12:48 p.m., Blogger Kimberley said...

If you have to pay $10 for a library card - is that excused? I mean you without new books to read? I don't think so!

At 3:49 p.m., Blogger Sam said...

Yes, the library card is excused. I'm actually going to go and renew it tomorrow. Ugh, I hate libraries, used books *shudder* But, I will perservere!

At 4:16 p.m., Blogger Kimberley said...

Another thought - is Nick's go cart on the Acceptable list or the NO NO list?

At 5:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey from the Enough is Enough mama--thanks for plugging my blog, and I'm happy to know I've inspired another family to take it easy on the stuff and try to live with a little less. We're finding that it forces us to be creative (birthday presents for 5 year olds??? How about a movie pass rather than another crappy plastic toy!) and that we're really spending more time together as a family. Thanks for passing some readers on my way! Keep checking back to see how we're doing. All of the readers are keeping us honest!


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