Suffering from a wicked case of "Tristan woke up at 4:30am and no I can't get back to sleep"....soooo, to pass the time:
(in no particular order)
Things I love:
1. Seeing Tristan's smile when he first wakes up in the morning
2. The kitties cuddling on my lap, if they're purring even better
3. Warm cozy sweaters
4. Hot chocolate with marshmallows and a shot of gingerbread syrup
5. Snuggling up to Nick in the middle of the night, especially if I've just woken up from a nightmare
6. Joe Boxer flannel pajamas
7. Singing to Jann Arden in the shower (when nobody else is home to hear me, of course)
8. Misty mornings
9. Jack O' Lanterns
10. The first snow fall
11. Hot bubble baths
12. New books, whether I read them or not is irrelevant, having them near me makes me happy
13. Throw blankets or quilts
14. My mom's meat loaf
15. Driving by myself with the music cranked
16. Having all the washing and ironing done, such a feeling of accomplishment!
17. Trying out a new recipe
18. Watching old TV reruns
19. That first hour in the morning with just me and a cup of tea
20. Fresh summer fruit
21. Getting mail
22. Men's Armani cologne
23. Pretty smelling shower gel
24. Tickling Nick's feet, he always gets the cutest smile
25. Grimm's Fairy Tales
Things I Hate:
1. Getting my hair cut
2. Cleaning the cat litter
3. Public restrooms
4. Packing for a trip
5. Having to pay for car repairs
6. Tailgaters
7. Football
8. Coldplay
9. Ironing
10. Religious zealots
11. Doctor's offices/ Hospitals
12. Hang nails
13. Anything made of brass
14. Cat pee
15. Bad service in a restaurant
16. Buying underwear
17. Soap Operas
18. Having a bazillion remotes to operate the TV
19. When people tell me what the weather forecast is - if I cared I'd look it up
20. The fact that Milo can't clean his own ass
21. Brushing my teeth
22. Waking up hungry in the middle of the night
23. Dogs licking me
24. Having to pee when you're not near a bathroom
25. Construction delays on our new house
You left out "Xmods" - I won't say on which list.
I don't hate x-mods though, they get Nick out of the house so I get a break. Of course, Nick never hosts them :)
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