Breastfeeding in a Bottlefeeding Culture
I just read a fantastic article in Mothering Magazine titled "Taking down the almighty bottle." Basically the whole point the author is trying to get across is that we are constantly bombarded with images of bottles as being the "normal" way to feed a baby, "The incidence of bottle homage are often subtle enough that we do not see them. They operate as a sort of smokescreen." And it's so true! How many of us had baby dolls when we were little girls and we gave them a bottle to feed them? Shower cards and gift wrap usually have bottles adorned across them as the international symbol for baby. It seems innocent enough, but what message are we sending as a culture?
"How did it happen that human milk is denied the propriety off the generic term milk? How did the milk of cows, a completely different species, achieve the honor - and the branding advantage - of milk?" That's an interesting statement to think about. That's some brainwashing the dairy farmers have been able to pull over on us. And to that effect, why is it so socially taboo to breastfeed your toddler, however giving them cow's milk out of a bottle or sippy cup is perfectly acceptable?
"That breastfeeding a child in public is even an issue is one of the most telling examples of the supremacy of bottlefeeding." This is one of those statements that can just get my blood boiling because it's so true! I have been given dirty looks for breastfeeding Tristan in public, despite the fact that I am as discreet as possible. When is it that feeding your baby became indecent? It's sad to me that so many mothers feel that they need to hide, and it's that exact perception of having to be alone and feed your baby in private that makes so many women choose to bottle feed. The perception that formula feeding is easier and more convenient only exists because women are caving to social pressures.
Where the author lost me though was with her comment "Even families who are committed to breastfeeding are prone to unknowingly undermine their success by giving a baby the occasional bottle........ We seem to be willing to risk nipple confusion, a baby's preference for the bottle over the breast, a threatened milk supply, colic, premature weaning, and worse, just so mom can go out for coffee without baby once or twice." Did I miss the whole point here? To me it's all about where the milk is coming from, and not necessarily how it gets into the baby. While I agree that the nursing relationship in and of itself is important, I can count of my fingers the number of times Tristan has been given a bottle, and it works out to less than once a week since he was born. Do I think this is acceptable? Damn right I do! I think the reason why a lot of women DON'T breastfeed is because of that feeling of being trapped. I don't do it often, but it's nice to know that if I need a sanity break, I can leave the house for an hour and not worry about whether Tristan is going to be screaming his little head off because his belly is rumbling. Is that so wrong?
So I guess I have a few questions to all of you - what can we do as individuals to foster a culture where breastfeeding is the norm? And do you find it offensive when women breastfeed in public?
I don't find it offensive in the least and would have breastfed my son exclusively if I had been able (wasn't able due to latching problems and previous breast reduction)
I will educate any I know about the benefits that I am aware of and raise my children to understand that it is normal and natural and perfectly beautiful.
I definately do not think that breast feeding in public should be an issue.. It was a 'beef' of mine being a pro-public-breastfeeder adn had a few issues where poeple gave me looks made comments or plain right asked me to go elsewhere.....
the media is not very probreast feeding it seems, but we as a culture are very into amking the breast seem so sexual too, even in a nurturing way like breastfeeding.... its a cultural issue for sure... and I think it can change and be less of an issue as women are more comfortable and find thier voices around it.... it will be more norm
I breast fed.. loved it... but I am also not one to judge the reasons why one may choose to bottle feed or my not be able to breast feed and are therefore given no choice.... Socially it is also very hard for one who cant or chooses not to breastfeed for many are judgemental and the mom's tend to guilt themselves too.....
Sigh.... its a tough issue.. this may change as women change socially
I find it offensive that people are offended by breastfeeding. Breastfeeding should be allowed anywhere, anytime. Period. It should be celebrated and it should be encouraged. What do to? Well I guess whip out our milk producing breasts as often as possible in public and feed our children. Because only by normalizing it, do we make it socially acceptable. For example: When I first had Karina, my brother lived parttime in our house. The first time he came home after Karina was born, he came into her room and was like "oh man, don't do that around me". So I told him...I will breastfeed where and when I like in my house and if he didn't like it, he could leave. A few months later, we celebrated my birthday at a restaurant and I wanted to nurse Karina but felt like people were staring. So I grabbed a blanket to put over her, and Peter said "What are you doing?" I told him and he said "well, anyone who thinks breastfeeding in public is wrong is just stupid". Total 180. Education is the key. getting out there and showing people that it IS normal and that we are NOT ashamed.
Let's face it, bottles are more appealing to look at on a gift bag than a boob!
Hey, I think my boobs are MUCH more attractive than a bottle, I think Nick would agree :)
I think that we need more awesome moms like you ladies who are comfortable breastfeeding in public, in order to get people used to the idea that this is how babies are supposed to be fed. I also have no problem with moms who choose to pump milk and store it to later feed from a bottle, since that lets them get a much needed break, and allows dads and aunties and uncles to help out. And if mom happens to have supply issues, then thank goodness we have reasonably healthy formulas available - they have their place.
As anyone who has met Nick will tell you, he does NOT speak for everyone!
The only thing that I find difficult about seeing a woman breastfeed in public is that my boobs start to hurt! lol I breast fed over sixteen years ago and I still react when I see someone breastfeed! I loved it, did it openly. If you are able to, do it! My kids just think it's a normal part of having a child, and I agree with them. Actually, just talking about it is doing it! NOOO! lol You will all find out, the love of it never goes away!
Jason said that if we see a gift bag with a boob on it, we'll buy it for you. Although we may need to visit a specialty store.
I think it's beautiful when Moms have the strength to breastfeed, period. To do so in public takes a particular brand of guts, as well as being at least somewhat essential to "haveing a life". And it raises awareness... To all of you out there who breast feed: YAY MOM!!!
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